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GREEN MATTERS - Handbook for Algae Gatherers 


In this video and handbook, Mia Mäkelä approaches the environmental issues around the eutrophication of the Baltic Sea. Her experiments with green algae, an essential source of oxygen with prospects of being it for energy and food in the future, explore their possible use with traditional rug-making techniques.


The GM - exhibition consisted of the algae experiments, herbarium, photos and the video, in a green house at the botanical garden of Turku.


In "Green Matters. Handbook for Algae Gatherers", Mia Mäkelä engages with an eclectic set of knowledge, ranging from biology and environmental politics to rug techniques.


The project premiered in a green house exhibition at the botanical garden of Turku in the occasion of TURKU2011-Cultural Capital of Europe. It was commissioned by Curated Expeditions to the Baltic Sea by Capsula.



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